Mastermind Deep Dive FormFill this out no later than one week prior to your deep dive session so the group can best support you. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Website/Company URL (optional) http:// Most Used Social Media Handle How long have you been in business? Provide a high-level explanation of what your business does below. Who's your core/target customer? Specificity helps. How do you most often get new business? What is the main obstacle, challenge or goal you'd like to focus on during your session? What would you measure/look to if you were going to gauge progress on this goal or challenge? Do you have a team? If so, how many members? What are their roles? If your goal or challenge is financial in nature, please include your annual revenue over the past two years below or email your past two annual Profit & Loss statements to This is optional. Any additional context or details that would be helpful to know? Thank you!